It is exciting to see young next-generation South Asian leaders take positions of influence in churches across the nation!
However, I am saddened when I notice these leaders participate in the destructive behaviors of the previous generation.
I’m shocked when young leaders split churches, start competitive ministries, twist the truth, or slander their peers. It is depressing.
But I know it does not have to stay this way. We can repent and start new behaviors — here are a few crucial steps specifically for next-generation South Asian leaders:

Original Photo by Blomstrom (cc)
Step #1: Move from Reactionary to Visionary
Church leaders should stop listening to political pundits, media moguls, or the South Asian rumor mill. If you listen, you immediately move into a reactionary mode. You react to gossip. You react to politics. You react to trends. If you keep reacting, you’re toast…
Instead be visionary. Be culture makers. Be trendsetters. Be creative. Don’t copy the über-famous worship team or mega church. But call people to activate their talents through compelling vision. Ask the South Asian community to join a cause, not an anti-cause. Define your church by what it stands for — not what it stands against.
Deep down, most people at your church want to sacrifice for something meaningful and worthwhile rather than be consumers or copycats! Lead them into that! Next-generations leaders must not react to the community, but envision reaching the community.
Step #2: Move from Propaganda to Principles
There are countless buzz words out there for ministry leaders. Prophetic. Supernatural. Missional. Emergent. Apostolic. Contextual. Social. Anointed. The list goes on and on…
Some Christian bloggers, television/radio personalities, and revival speakers use this lingo profusely without integrity. It’s just pointless propaganda unless you DO something. Don’t hide behind these words.
These buzz words become propaganda when next-generation South Asian leaders reference it more than God’s Word. It is sad when the sermons of young leaders are filled with empty words instead of the Living Word.
Instead, focus on principles! Remember that everything you need to lead your church can be found in scripture. God’s Word is forever. Next-generation South Asian leaders must trust God’s principles, and not put faith in the latest Christian subculture propaganda.
Step #3: Move from Innovative to Intentional
Most South Asian churches have a love-hate relationship with anything new, cutting edge, or innovative. This feeling intensifies when another church is more innovative than yours. Competition rises up within young leaders. They want the latest kids ministry tools, sound equipment, lights, worship songs, preaching series, small group curriculum, outreach events, etc.
The unfortunate reality is that you cannot innovate and upgrade everything at your church. If you do, you will get trapped in a pointless merry-go-round! Just because everything is fancy, new, and innovative, does not mean your church is effective.
Instead, be intentional. Focus on 1-2 things your church is currently doing. Invest your time and energy into people to lead what you are already doing. Do not invest in more stuff. Don’t get distracted. Don’t be innovative for foolish reasons. Instead, next-generation South Asian leaders must be intentional. Make a difference with who and what you have.
Step #4: Move from Culture to Kingdom
God created our South Asian culture and it is beautiful. There are moments in ministry that you need to maximize the beauty of positive South Asian cultural norms. Take time to emphasize how the Gospel is reflected in our culture and celebrate it.
But South Asian culture does have a dark side. In those times, you must remember that culture never trumps the Kingdom of God. There are disturbing trends in South Asian culture that must be uprooted and removed. Household violence. Sexual harassment and abuse. Unbridled anger. Familial hatred and brokenness. Competition and jealousy. Idolatry of success and possessions.
It will be difficult to confront this brokenness but it must happen. Next-generation South Asian leaders must face these issues with truth and grace. Remember that Kingdom values bring healing, grace, and justice in each of these circumstances.
Next-generation leaders will need courage to say “culture never gives us an excuse to sin…” I pray these leaders will rise up when necessary. Kingdom is always first.
As next-generation South Asian leaders, let us repent and move toward being visionary, scriptural, intentional, and focused on God’s Kingdom.
Let us forge a renewed movement of South Asian Churches that will bless and heal the world through the Good News of Jesus. Don’t give up. I know it can be done. Jesus is calling us to change. May it be so! You are an Everyday World Changer. Start today!