This was an interesting year for me. My leadership was really stretched. I went from planting new chapters to planting new areas for InterVarsity/USA in North Texas and Oklahoma.
Four years ago, my team started as one area with 390 students in 7 chapters. It has since grown to become 707 students in 16 chapters. Now, my area has multiplied into three new areas each with its own area director!
I’ve reflected back on the past four years to figure out which steps nurtured the apostolic impulse needed to generate this growth. As a leader, I believe that you can help foster apostolic impulse in every team member! I’ve distilled it down to these three steps:
A message to my readers!
I am a guest writer on a blog called Release the APE. The acronym A.P.E. stands for Apostolic, Prophetic, and Evangelistic.
I blog for them once every other month. This will be my sixth post for them! I humbly ask you to support me by engaging and commenting on their site.
For your convenience, previous posts written for Release the APE are below:
- 5 Steps to Lead an Evangelistic Culture Shift
- Unlock the Potential of an Apostolic Movement
- 5 Tips to Empower the Prophetic Voice of Creatives
- 6 Essentials Learned While Leading a Movement
- Who Says You Can’t Be Awesome at Sharing Your Faith?
Please know that I will continue to provide valuable content at this blog every Monday as usual! Thanks again for your support! Let’s keep changing the world!
~Linson Daniel
continue reading at Release the A.P.E.

Original Photo by RVWithTito
continue reading at Release the A.P.E.