The truth of Jesus is important to share. I’ve found the best way to do that is in the form of a story. Stories are important.
Stories are the new truth for our millennial generation. Our personal stories define us. Our stories are sacred. You should share your story of following Jesus often.

Original Photo by Andy Wong (c)
Here are five tips on how to share your personal story:
Tip #1: Be Open and Honest
Don’t hide your hurt or excitement. Don’t generalize your experience. Honest details are what make stories captivating. Your story should have pieces of defeat, victory, and the uphill battle of the messy middle. Be transparent. By being honest, you create handholds for people to identify with your story. Share openly. Share honestly.
Tip #2: Avoid Christian Jargon
Don’t talk about how “the flesh” waged war against “the anointing” in your life. Haha! What does that mean? Spare people of terms like “regeneration, sanctification, salvation, and missional”. These words mean nothing to your friends. It will only make your story hard to understand. Instead find meaningful, regular words as substitutes for this Christian jargon.
Tip #3: Make Jesus the Center
If Jesus is not the gem of your story, then your story lacks substance and sparkle. Jesus is the hero. Jesus is the character that provides comfort, victory, protection, sanity, clarity, etc. Consider the role that Jesus played in your story. Make His actions and presence clear through regular words. Ensure Jesus gets credit. Not you, not someone else!
Tip #4: Be Brief but Complete
Yes, your story is important. But ain’t nobody got 45 minutes to hear how it all got started on a dark, dreary afternoon in Seattle when you came bursting forth into the world… Geez. Get on with the story! It doesn’t have to be your entire life story! Pick one specific moment. Craft the story. Make it clear, complete, and compelling. Get your story down to less than 5 minutes.
Tip #5: Offer an Invitation
One of the best parts of a good story is the ending. It doesn’t have to end nice and neat like a Bollywood movie. But at the end of your story, you should make an invitation for deeper dialogue. “Would you like to grab coffee later this week and talk more?” or “Some of us are playing ball later tonight, I’d love for you to meet others with similar stories!” Make an invitation for more!
Share your personal stories of Jesus often!
Now, give it a try! Put together 4-5 small stories about your personal relationship with Jesus. Write it out. Practice it. Utilize these stories when you are with your friends. Remember, Jesus and Faith can become a regular part of your daily conversations. It is only awkward if you make it awkward. Really… most of the awkwardness and insecurity is in your head.
Most people will find your stories inspiring, intriguing, or at the very least informative. No one is going to take offense by hearing a story. Don’t preach. Don’t try to convince. Don’t try to manipulate. Just share stories. Stories carry truth really well. Jesus did it all the time. Jesus’ parables are mind-blowing stories. You and I should do the same.