What if you could invite Andy Stanley, Ravi Zacharias, T.D. Jakes, Michael Hyatt, Dave Ramsey, Seth Godin, and (insert your favorite people) to your house for a mentoring session every morning? Haha, that would be crazy! It would be a gathering like none other.
Well, the crazy thing is that you CAN do this… through podcasts! About 3-4 years ago, I had no idea what podcasts were. Now, I listen to them constantly. I feel like I am getting mentored by the best.
Here are 3 thoughts how podcasts can develop your leadership

Photo Courtesy of p_a_h (cc)
#1 Podcasts fit into your busy schedule!
How in the world do I listen to 18 different podcasts? Easy. I fit podcasts into my daily schedule. I love listening to podcasts while I commute to/from various university campuses and meetings. It keeps my mind fresh, gives me new thoughts, and encourages me before my work day starts.
I also love listening to podcasts while I go for a run around my neighborhood. I hate exercising. But I love listening to podcasts while I run. Who knew I’d lose weight because of podcasts… haha, weight loss subject to variation… moving on!
#2 Podcasts go anywhere with you!
I was stuck at an airport for a few hours two weeks ago due to inclement weather. I was staring at planes land, taxi, and take off. My mind was wandering. What a waste of time, I thought. Then it hit me. I’ve got over 10 episodes of various podcasts I can listen to — right now!
I pulled out my phone, grabbed my headphones, and eagerly dived into some “Systematic Theology with Wayne Grudem”… I know… I’m a geek. I’m just trying to keep up with the geniuses that work at InterVarsity. Again, moving on…

Photo Courtesy of Robert S. Donovan (cc)
#3 Podcasts can be a customized experience!
During this phase of my life, I am really captivated by leadership development, writing, speaking, and discovering cultures. I love this stuff. Yes, I know for some people, these topics can be really boring. So what do you like to learn about? What is your hobby? Are you in an interesting phase of life?
I bet you there is a podcast for you! There is a podcasts for everything! Literally. Consider subscribing to 1-2 podcasts about each of your niche interests. Now you have a customized listening experience for your various interests and learning curves. Comedy. Health. Religion. News. Politics. Cooking. Not only are you developing your influence and leadership, but you become a great conversationalist.
My Favorite Podcasts
Everyday World Changer Podcast
Also, I have launched my own podcast entitled, “Everyday World Changer”. My podcast fits with the rest of the content found at this blog. My hope is that this blog and podcast will provide you the insight and inspiration needed to be an Everyday World Changer. Check out the podcast today!
Start listening to podcasts. You can listen to them anytime, anyplace, and at your own pace. Create a customized series of podcasts that will stretch and develop you into the leader that you desire to be! I believe you can make a difference in the world. Invest in yourself by listening to podcasts! You are an Everyday World Changer. Start today!